How does Biohackn’s Molecular Hydrogen help with Sleep?
By: Sophia Ratilla
One of the most fascinating examples we keep hearing is about how high-dose hydrogen water affects sleep. Today, we hear daily reports from middle-aged to elderly people who are amazed that they are not only sleeping deeply throughout the night but also dreaming for the first time in decades.
Several people's sleep was typified by one word during the majority of my youth, late teens, and full twenties: unpredictable. Some people were enduring lengthy bouts of sleeplessness at the time, frequently resulting in fewer than two hours of sleep each night for weeks or months at a time, which led to my excessive use of coffee and other stimulants. Even when we had mastered the art of frequent sleeping and were able to, we typically found sleep to be brief and unpredictable while trying to quit a stimulant habit.
How Biohackn's Hydrogen Aids in Sleep Improvement
Hydrogen is well-known for its antioxidant capabilities, which aid in better sleep. According to science, oxidants are proven to be damaging to your health. They are a major cause of inflammation and immune system weakness. Furthermore, drinking hydrogen-rich water on a daily basis helps to improve sleep.
According to a study conducted in Greece, oxidants also induce sleep difficulties. Antioxidants, on the other hand, aid in the maintenance of the body's internal homeostasis when sleeping, resulting in a restful night's sleep.
Because hydrogen is high in antioxidants, it is a powerful insomnia treatment. According to several research studies, drinking hydrogen-rich water regulates your mood, decreases worry and exhaustion, and enhances your sleep quality.
Biohackn's Molecular Hydrogen generates an infinite amount of antioxidant hydrogen water, resulting in better sleep!
Fresh fruits and vegetables are both considered high in antioxidants. However, you can't always expect to have them in your diet – especially if you're on the road or need to buy extra fruits and vegetables because you've run out. You may not always have simple access to them, nor are they always easily available.
Having a hydrogen generator at home that creates hydrogen-rich alkaline water gives you access to antioxidants 24 hours a day, seven days a week, especially before night. A glass of hydrogen water one hour before bedtime will help you sleep deeper and for longer amounts of time!
What's more, besides having a good night's sleep, hydrogen water offers a slew of other health advantages. Numerous research studies have been conducted throughout the years to confirm the advantages of alkaline water containing molecular hydrogen.
Sleep and Hydrogen
Molecular hydrogen treatment might be a potent tool for controlling redox, therefore alleviating a severe adverse effect that affects sleep apnea patients. Redox is an oxidation/reduction mechanism that works in tandem with antioxidant formation. The production of proinflammatory cytokines, which are small proteins that cause inflammation, is regulated by hydrogen. Molecular hydrogen supports a healthy inflammatory response by controlling these cytokines, which may be crucial in dealing with these sleep issues.
The Causes of Sleep Deprivation
To understand how molecular hydrogen water affects sleep, we must first understand some of the major reasons why our sleep suffers, and then we must dissect the advantages of molecular hydrogen. Stress and worry are two of the most common causes of poor sleep. Stress might be of the oxidative, mental, or physical variety. Chronic discomfort in the joints and muscles, for example, a type of physical stress, can also deprive us of sleep.
It comes as no surprise to me that persons with physically demanding professions who begin a high-dose hydrogen water routine report practically miraculous sleep improvement. Sleeping with aches and pains can develop into a long-term chronic condition, aggravating the symptoms and, regrettably, increasing psychological tension and worry.
How to Get More Sleep?
Many people use sleeping tablets every night to try to alleviate their sleeping difficulties. Sleeping medications, on the other hand, can be addictive and have long-term negative consequences, such as:
- Drowsiness during the day
- Mental sluggishness or difficulties with attention or memory
- Dizziness
- Headaches
Some better and more natural solutions to solve your sleeping difficulties include:
- Consume a diet rich in magnesium, B6, calcium, potassium, and tryptophan on a regular basis.
- Drink the proper water on a regular basis, such as alkaline hydrogen water from a water ionizer.
- Drinking ionized alkaline hydrogen water on a daily basis can help you sleep better, thanks to the strong antioxidant capabilities of the molecular hydrogen contained in the water, which promotes better sleep.
How We Came to Appreciate Sleep
It's not simply something we do while we're not awake: our whole physiology is dependent on rebooting and recreating ourselves at night. In fact, experts feel that humans are just now beginning to understand the importance of sleep.
And there's a new cool kid on the block: going to bed early. Now, we're all competing to see who can go to bed the earliest because sleep is amazing.
It's simple to see why: sleep is intrinsically tied to improved health. A good night's sleep on a regular basis is essential for maintaining a healthy body and mind.
What Effect Does Hydrogen Have on Your Sleeping Pattern?
- Memory and attention issues are slowed by hydrogen water.
- Dizziness is controlled by hydrogen water.
- Hydrogen water is beneficial for relieving headaches, which are common during sleep.
- The immune system is aided by hydrogen-rich water.
- Its antioxidant capabilities prevent inflammation, which might cause irritation before night.
- Hydrogen water modulates mood fluctuations, which can induce sleeplessness.
- Hydrogen water alleviates weariness and anxiety.
- Hydrogen water lowers tiredness during the day and helps you feel light all of the time.
Additional Aspects to Consider
- Fresh vegetables and fruits are high in antioxidants and should be included in your regular diet.
- Reduce your exposure to blue light, which is present on every smartphone screen.
- Avoid consuming caffeine late at night.
- Reduce the number of extended afternoon naps you take.
- Establish a regular sleeping schedule.
And you're probably wondering how you can receive hydrogen water on a regular basis. I've got a solution for you. With Biohackn's Molecular Hydrogen generator, you can now simply enjoy a 24/7 pure hydrogen water supply at your house. You may order a healthy addition to your household by visiting